Zero Hold Up Filter Press Manufacturers and Suppliers

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Zero Hold Up Filter Press At Bipin Pharma Equipment: Specifications of The Model

The Zero Hold Up Filter Press that is manufactured by Bipin Pharma Equipment manufacturers has features that makes our models one of the best in the country. The in-detail specifications of the device are provided on the website of our company for customers to choose their variant of the model as we manufacture different types of models for this device.

Feature and Specification of Zero Hold Up Filter Press

• High Functionality

• Rugged Construction

• Thermal Stability

• Compact Design

• Functional Life of Product is Enhanced

• Power Consumption is relatively lower

We have made the equipment to separate solid and liquid by using the pressure feeding principle. Our company's zero hold up filter press is not only efficient but also offers the best technique to separate liquid slurries from solids in a compressed cake formation. Some of the industries such as pharmaceuticals, beverage producers, bulk drugs, distilleries and several others use them for their multi-application feature. The device and model that we manufacture are authentic and focus on quality of product.

Mechanism of Zero Hold Up Filter Press

• The major problem related to separation is solved with the help of the horizontally closed Zero hold up filter pressure.

• A singular pipeline is formed due to the interlocking cups that are all arranged on top of each other.

• A bottom inlet provides pressure due to which all of the liquid that is unfiltered is centrally fed.

• All the solids and impurities get filtered by the filter and the rest of it flows through gaps that are present on supporting rings. It is then collected in a shell and later on led out with the help of a pipeline.

• There is an equal and even distribution of solids on each and every plate.

• Several things like interlocking cups plate, plate rings, etc. are all a part of the plate pack assemblage. By applying inert gas or air at the end, maximum drying of the cake can be done.

Our customized equipment can be a little more expensive depending on the additional features requested. Our mass-produced models are cheaper and function perfectly according to their manufacturing standards. For more details on zero hold up filter press, you may talk to our skilled professionals and grab information on anything you would want to know.

Sparkler Filter Press At Bipin Pharma Equipment: The Specifications Of The Pharmaceutical Equipment

Sparkler Filter Press manufactured by us at Bipin Pharma Equipment boasts of the advanced quality-controlled procedure supervised by verified and skilled professionals.

It does the work of filtering liquid substance from solid substance at a wider scale. It is used in several industries such as food and beverages oriented pharmaceuticals, chemical factories, distilleries, etc. However, the pharmaceutical industry has more demand over these products as they need authentic equipment by specific pharmaceutical oriented manufacturers.

Functioning Of Sparkler Filter Press Function

The basic function of a Sparkler Filter Press follows the given procedure while functioning:

• Liquid is first pumped through a central channel of a cartridge from the bottom of the model.

• Suspended particles are then retained on filter plates that have the filter media on top of it.

• Peripheral holes present of platen then help to clean filtrate accumulated into the tank.

• The rest of the liquid then emerges out of the outlet present at the bottom.

• The best feature of this equipment is that there is never any contact between the wall of the filter tank and the un-filtered liquid.

Features offered by Bipin Pharma Equipment

Pharmaceutical products need to be produced in a very complex and regulated manner under a controlled environment.

• We take utmost care to provide best services for pharmaceutical industries and pharmaceutical oriented devices.

• We satisfy all our customers and also deliver them what they need according to what has been promised.

• The entire procedure is carefully planned. The filter zero hold up is done without any kind of scavenging operation.

• The filter plate cartridge is both swiftly and easily removable.

• Certain models have potentially a working pressure that is higher than the normal rate according to customer demand and customization.

The models are manufactured according to different technical specifications for better interface of our customers visiting our website. The sparkler device that operates on the basis of filter press is very similar to the Zero Hold Up Filter press because it follows a similar principle function but some of their functions have been altered to provide different kind of results.

If you are confused about what to use for your company, you may talk to the professionals at Bipin Pharma Equipment. Our company makes sure that you get only the product that is valuable for your needs.

Zero Hold Up Filter Press 8"

Zero Hold Up Filter Press Manufacturers and Suppliers
Model Dia. Of Plates No. of Plates Filtering Area m2 Cake Holding Cap. in Ltrs Flow Rate per Hour Pump size and power
ZH-8 8" 6 0.217 4.9 600 1/2"/1Hp
ZH-8 8" 8 0.279 6.3 800 1/2"/1Hp

Zero Hold Up Filter Press 14"

Zero Hold Up Filter Press Manufacturers and Suppliers
Model Dia. Of Plates No. of Plates Filtering Area m2 Cake Holding Cap. in Ltrs Flow Rate per Hour Pump size and power
ZH-14 14” 8 0.819 24.75 1500 1”/2Hp
ZH-14 14” 10 1.001 30.25 1700 1”/2Hp
ZH-14 14” 12 1.183 37.75 1900 1”/2Hp

Zero Hold Up Filter Press 18"

Zero Hold Up Filter Press Manufacturers and Suppliers
Model Dia. Of Plates No. of Plates Filtering Area m2 Cake Holding Cap. in Ltrs Flow Rate per Hour Pump size and power
ZH-18 18” 10 1.65 55 4000 1”/3Hp
ZH-18 18” 12 1.95 65 4600 1”/3Hp
ZH-18 18” 15 2.4 80 5500 1”/3Hp
ZH-18 18” 24 (s) 3.75 125 8200 1”/3Hp

Zero Hold Up Filter Press 24"

Zero Hold Up Filter Press Manufacturers and Suppliers
Model Dia. Of Plates No. of Plates Filtering Area m2 Cake Holding Cap. in Ltrs Flow Rate per Hour Pump size and power
ZH-24 24” 15 4.126 144 7000 2”/5Hp
ZH-24 24” 18 5.035 171 8500 2”/5Hp
ZH-24 24” 24 6.625 225 12500 2”/5Hp

Zero Hold Up Filter Press 33"

Zero Hold Up Filter Press Manufacturers and Suppliers
Model Dia. Of Plates No. of Plates Pump size and power
ZH-33 33” 7 2”/5Hp
ZH-33 33” 12 2”/5Hp
ZH-33 33” 14 2”/5Hp


A Zero Hold Up Filter Press, as the name suggests, is designed to eliminate hold up and facilitate smooth filtration and quick discharge of filtrate, cake, or slurry. These devices have wide-ranging applications across various industries, which include :

A Zero Hold Up Filter Press is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the clarification and filtration of liquid oral, processing water, liquid syrup, and injectable solutions, among others.

Chemical Industry
This type of filter press is utilized in chemical plants for the filtration of chemicals, plating solutions, organic or inorganic chemicals, resins, etc.

Food and Beverage Industry
In the food and beverage industry, Zero Hold Up Filter Presses are used for filtering and clarifying solutions like edible oils, juices, wine, beer, and other beverages.

Cosmetics Industry
These are used for the filtration of lotions, creams, perfumes, shampoos, and other cosmetic products.

Ink and Paint Industry
This type of filter press is used for the filtration of ink, paint, varnishes, and other related products.

Agrochemical Industry
Zero Hold Up Filter Presses are used for the filtration of pesticides, insecticides, and other agrochemical products.

Overall, Zero Hold Up Filter Presses provide an efficient solution for various filtration requirements across many sectors, especially where the rapid and effective separation of solids and liquids is crucial.